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updated: 4/10/98



This self-paced training module will introduce you to Apple's MacDNS software. This software is included with AppleShare IP 6.0, and has been bundled in the past with certain Apple Workgroup Server configurations. 

By completing this training module, you will know what MacDNS is, what features it offers, how to configure it, the most frequently-asked questions from customers using MacDNS, and how to troubleshoot problems that might arise involving domain name resolution.


Course Organization

This course is divided into the following sections: 

  • Overview, which includes: 
    • General introduction to DNS and a glossary. 
    • MacDNS product description 
    • System Requirements for version 1.0.4 
    • Distribution and Availability 
  • Up and Running, which will give you a description of the various features, including tips and limitations, and a quick rundown on how they're used. 
  • Technical Assistance which lists common support questions and tips on how to troubleshoot problems involving MacDNS.
  • Support which covers the type and scope of technical support available for MacDNS.
  • Links to documentation and additional information. 


This module assumes a foundational knowledge of the Mac OS, and AppleTalk and TCP/IP networking, including configuring Open Transport.

Time Requirement

Reviewing this module in its entirety will take approximately 1 hour.


The section links in the navigation bars to the left and at the bottom of each page will bring you to the first page of each major section. Note that some sections contain several pages. Using the right arrow will bring you linearly through each page of every section. 


Included within these pages are excerpts from the MacDNS Administrator's guide, various TIL articles and FAQ's located on the Internet. The glossary in the DNS Primer was taken from the InterNIC pages, provided by Network Solutions, Inc. 

Let's get started...

If you're ready to begin, click the right arrow below to continue... 


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